This will be the new workout for the month for D. Meleis, and anyone else that would like to change it up a bit. I will be posting the second day of the workout when I have the time. Key points to this are really amping up the intensity and trying to up your weight every workout. If you are using a weight today, and 8 workouts from now you are using the same weight, you are just spinning your wheels and not accomplishing anything. The best way to track this is write it down, everyone should have a notebook with their workouts and notes in them. Get on it, and enjoy.
2A. Step Up 2*10 with 75 sec. rest
Basic Step Up here, the higher the step the harder it will be so challenge yourself.
2B. Dumbell 1 Pt Row 2*10 with 75 sec. rest

3A. Bulgarian Split Squats 2*10 with 75 sec. rest
Make sure you are holding some type of weight. Don't do so much that you are wobbling all over the place
3B. Push Ups 2*10 with 75 sec. rest
If you can progress to the floor
4A. Plank 2*60 sec. with 75 sec. Rest
4B. Cable Horizontal Woodchip 2*10 with 75 sec Rest
*****Thank you Scott White whoever you are for your video demonstration, and Women's Health for the Picture***
so this isn't what you meant when u said u would post something new for us right?