Thursday, April 30, 2009

4-30 Workout

4-30 WorkoutApril 30, 2009 by blogginwithbaker

I’m going to be out of town all day so I am going to post this for you guys, if you need help I will be back a little later and we can go around 8 if you would prefer that.
Today’s workout is a dynamic/repetition day. It means we want you to move the bar and the ball (you’ll see below) as quickly as possible through the movement. This is how you will develop power for movements such as sprinting and jumping in the future. You’ll start off by warming up, grabbing at medicine ball, girls get the 3 kg yellow ball and guys grab a 10lb ball, and head over to the brick wall. The workout is as follows. If the exercises have the same letter in front of them superset the exercises.(b1 and b2 are one superset)

Warm up and Foam Roll-Make sure you hit your legs really well and work as much soreness out as you possibly can.

Before workout:
Overhead Pass Medicine Ball Throw- 5*5-
Take about a minute break between sets. I want your feet to be stable throughout the exercise, there is no step for these. Also you don’t need the band around your knees.

a1. Bench Press with 50% of 1RM- 3*max reps
With these we want the bar moving at a decent speed, and we want to go almost to failure, leave one or two reps “in the tank”. You will take a 2-3 minute break in between sets. Make sure you take the break!

b1. Chin Ups- 4*8. If these are too easy add weight
b2. Face Pulls- 3*12
Click the link. Some of you may or may not be doing these correctly. This guy really knows what he is talking about, and he describes the exercise perfectly. Make sure you read it.

c1. Standing DB Military Press 4*8
You can see I want them done standing. Challenge yourself with the weight here as well as all the exercises you are doing.

d1. Prone Trap Raise 3*10-
The video is a little grainy but you get the idea. You want your shoulder blades to be back and down, if you can’t get them back and down without arching your lower back, lower the weight and do them correctly. This isn’t about as much about weight as it is doing them correctly.

Any questions just ask me. If you have time later tonight, I’ve got a sprint workout you healthy guys can do, and try and get some shots up, work on your games. It’s not all about the weight room, your skills should always be a priority. Tomorrow is a leg day, so make sure you eat and sleep well, it’s going to be tough. Talk to you guys soon.

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