Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5-5 Workout Dynamic Effort Lower Body

Today's workout is a dynamic effort lower body training session. You guys that are healthy will be doing a little jumping beforehand. All workouts that are given to the athletes are a variation of Joe Defranco's Westside for Skinny Bastards Template. I have to give credit where credit is due. Now on with the workout.

Warmup and Foam Roll- In today's and every warmup from here on out, maintain good posture. Which is chest nice and tall, your shoulder blades squeezed back and down, and your abs tight. We are trying to build and maintain good habits, and it starts in the warmup.
Glute Bridge*15
Hip Flexor stretch 15 seconds/side
Piriformis Stretch 15 seconds/side
Overhead Walking Lunge 8/side
Kettlebell Swings 25 total- really squeeze the glutes on the way up

Medial Hurdle Hops with a stick 3*5.
Unlike the video you will stick the landing like you did yesterday, and make sure you take your time.

A. Medicine Ball Scoop Toss 3*5
Just like the video without the toss. You are going to swing the medicine ball between your legs like you are about to jump up, then throw the ball as hard as you can against the wall in front of you. Like I said you will not be jumping at all just stay in one place. Really contract the glutes and abs hard to get the most power out of the exercise.

B1. Lunges, Reverse Lunges for Isa only, not you Sanchez 3*8
B2. Glute Ham Raise 4*5 (Isa-Slideboard Hamstring curls 3*10)

C1. Get Ups- DB overhead, lie on your back, and go up onto your elbow 3*20 total

1 comment:

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