1. Gaining weight isn't always the answer. A lot of male athletes want to gain weight because they feel it will help their athletic goals, more often than not its because they want to look good with their shirt off. But that's another day. All that is fine, but let's look at the problem without such a narrow scope. Getting stronger is not as good as getting stronger in relation to your body weight. A guy at 200 that can squat 400, is in my opinion better than a guy at 215 that can squat 400. It's simple math, our 200 lb athlete, is stronger in relation to his bodyweight than our 215 lb athlete. This is why I've ditched body building, "look strong" "get big" program, and done more lifting for strength and power. I don't want to gain weight, as much as I want to get strong as hell at my current 200 lbs.
2. If gaining weight is still your goal, because some athletes still need to, whether it be football athletes who just need the extra "meat" to pad themselves from falls and running over guys, or basketball players who need some extra weight to finish in the paint, or hold off an opposing big. (cough cough Franklin, Mcnay). Eating More is the key. I've said it before, and I will say it again because for some reason Skinny Bastards don't seem to listen. EAT MORE, EAT MORE, EAT MORE. If you aren't gaining weight, then you aren't eating enough. Plain and simple. You may be eating more than a normal person, but you aren't a normal person. You are trying to gain weight and you must eat accordingly. During days you are playing, you have to eat more than you would on a day off. If you aren't as active then you can get away with eating less. The easiest way to figure out how many calories you are eating is to really measure what you eat as much as you can. Eat more protein, eat more carbs, eat more fats. Be systematic, and eat as clean as possible because we want to gain lean body mass (muscle), not fat. Start off eating about 3000 calories a day, after your first week add an extra 500 calories a day every week until you start gaining weight. We want to eat lean meat, protein shakes, vegetables, rice, beans, etc. The less processed the food the better. What do I mean by processed? Cookies, cake, McDonald's. You want limit this crap food as much as you can. I understand sometimes it may be all you can get your hands on, but your 3000 calories shouldn't come from entire days of eating this crap. So your eating schedule would look like this:
Week 1: 2500 calories/day
Week 2: 3000 calories/day
Week 3: 3500 calories/day and so on. More than likely you will see weight gain at 3000-3500 calories a day, because your body hasn't taken in this much food in a while if not ever. Once you start seeing weight gain don't up the calories anymore, it'll start turning into fat, which like I said before we don't want. So to sum it up, add 500 calories a day each week until you see weight gain, once you see steady weight gain after a week, stay at that calorie count until you stop gaining or you get to your goal weight. Let me know how it goes, good luck.
3. Finding an extra 500 calories in a day isn't tough, one normal size chicken breast is about 200 calories. You do the math.
4. Shoot for 1-1.25 grams of protein for every pound of body weight you have. So for a 200lb person, thats about 200-250 grams of protein a day. Protein will help you gain weight, lose weight, and help you recover from exercise. EAT IT. Protein has about 4 calories/gram. So if I consume 200 grams of protein, that's 800 calories from protein. You always want to maximize the amount of protein you eat because it helps you in so many ways. In general both men and women don't get enough protein, but my guess is with the way I see women eat these days they are a lot worse off. SO eat a protein shake or something, JESUS!
5. Girls if you want to look like this....Read #4. And train hard. No matter how much you cardio bunnies run and how much fat you lose, if you don't have any muscles, you'll just be a skinnier saggier version of your heavier self. Simple. If that is what you want more power to you. Fortunately, some women are figuring this out. But for those that haven't figured it out. Lift Weights, Lift Heavy, Lift like "a man". You won't get big and muscular, you'll look better. Possibly closer to Jessica Biel, and not like the walking skeleton Madonna (I need to take a puke break). Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, Cindy Crawford, they all train with weights. Don't be afraid of them, embrace them, you'll look better for it

5. Eat Breakfast. If so many people have heard eat breakfast, and how good it is for you, EVERYBODY F*ING skips it. WHY? What part of eat breakfast don't people understand.
"I want to lose weight", "I want to gain weight", "I'm tired at noon". My answer to all these gripes are, EAT Beakfast. It kick starts your day and your metabolism to keep you awake. If you are gaining, losing, or maintaining your weight. Skipping breakfast is not an option. EVER, so eat it and stop complaining.
"I want to lose weight", "I want to gain weight", "I'm tired at noon". My answer to all these gripes are, EAT Beakfast. It kick starts your day and your metabolism to keep you awake. If you are gaining, losing, or maintaining your weight. Skipping breakfast is not an option. EVER, so eat it and stop complaining.
read it bake! I can't find 3? You said there was a 3 right?
I need to eat more, like a bunch more and heatlhier too. And more Protein cause thats really good for your body in a bunch of different ways. I also have to lift like a "man" so that I don't look like madonna or just wind up getting actually fat from the excess food I'm going to start eating.
Do I got it?
Good....You read it. I guess 3 was the wrong number. I don't even remember the point I made when I said that. Oh well
ReplyDeletethis was amusing "Favorite Trainer Mike." I train hard..don't I? Now I need to get into the breakfast groove and I am set!