Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Athlete Summer Workout Updates

Summer Workouts
I haven't had the opportunity to add new content to the blog this week, I'm in the process of moving as most of you know so I won't be able to do any of this stuff for this week. From here on out we will be repeating the workouts from last week, unless otherwise stated. Here are the old workouts to make it a little easier.

  • For all of these workouts I want to emphasize that as, you get stronger your weights should go up. Push yourselves, as I can't do it for you anymore. If a set is easy, the next set add weight. If you find your last set is too easy, make a note, in the notebooks I know you all have, and the next time you do that workout use more weight. Start from there. Now, every workout isn't going to be perfect, but you always want to strive to move up. I will give you updates to the workouts periodically so stay tuned to the blog
  • If you are having a hard time getting to your workouts 4 times a week, let me know as soon as you can, and I'll put something together for you that will have you lifting 3 times a week, or even two if need be.


  • To get the most out of your training, you might want to rethink how much basketball you play for the summer. I understand that your coaches want you playing, but in order to maximize your work in the weight room you need adequate rest between workouts, summer league games, and individual workouts. So NEVER, do two weight room workouts in one day. NEVER. I don't care if you missed a day. Just do the day you missed and continue the week as you normally would.
  • Work on your games. Don't forget that we aren't weight lifters, we are basketball players. So that means you need to be working on your skills. By working on your skills I don't mean crap summer league games. In my opinion I think they are worthless as far as your game is concerned, unless you are really using the time to work on things that you need to work on. I think improving your game comes from deliberate practice, not 5 on 5 open gym. We as basketball players are weak, we play pickup year round thinking we are improving ourselves, when we are really just putting ourselves open to overuse injuries. That "tendinitis", jumpers knee, ankle pain, back pain, is all because we are mis-priortizing whats important.
If I were you, and you need help organizing your time here is what I would do:
  • Strength and Conditioning-weight room, sprints, etc.
  • Skill Work-1 on 1, 2 on 2, form shooting, ball handling. Whatever weakness you have! I'll also post some drills and things for you guys as well.
  • Rest-This is as important as anything else.
  • Open gyms/summer league
The first three could all be in first, but I wanted to show that open gyms and games really should be far down the list. REALLY FAR. Just prioritize, lift, rest, work on your games and you will be better by next year.

As far as conditioning is concerned, do not get caught up in trying to stay in game shape over the summer. We will worry about that as the summer moves on. If you have the time to get extra workouts in like a sprint, or agility workout then let me know and I will get them to you. Otherwise don't go conditioning until it gets closer to August. By no means run long distances. No 1, 2, or 3 mile runs, EVER. But like I said I will put conditioning up as the summer goes on, but don't expect any until late July, Early August. I want you to focus on your skills, and strength.

The best way to do that is through the rss feeds if you know how to use them. Otherwise just bookmark the page. I'm out of here, and I'll see you in August.

Work Hard

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